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1955-04-06 - 7:30 p.m.

Remember me Journal? It's Bobbie Sue Dicks. What time is it? I seem to have awoken from a mild daze. Spring break came and went and all I have to show for it are some random memories of Jenny Dooner's sleepover party and a crock pot dinner at my grandmother's house. She has this large crock pot in her basement which she loads up with leftovers from the different meals she cooks during the week. It conveniently stews for seven days and nights and on Saturdays the family is invited over to enjoy her one pot masterpiece. It is a collection of differing meats and vegetables that come together in a special brown sauce she calls Saturday gravy. After dinner she gets out her bottle of Kahlua and taunts us with stories from the depression era, which would be very interesting and valuable to an aspiring famous writer like myself, only she usually falls asleep just after the part about the big Polio scare of '29. With my Grandma asleep in her special chair and my mom off busily cataloguing her antique porcelain clown collection , I managed to pry the Kahlua bottle from her hands. Wise beyond my years, I knew Jenny Dooner's sleepover party would require the kind of help only sweet alcohol could provide.

Patty Shoomaker, Eilleen Sullivan and Judy Goldman were all invited to Jenny Dooner's sleepover party but when I arrived the house was all dark. When I knocked on the door Jenny opened it a crack and asked me for the secret password. Needless to say Journal, I was taken by surprise. What secret password? So I said "What secret password?" I heard a bunch of giggling coming from behind the door. Jenny Dooner told me I couldn't come in until I revealed the password. After several tries I shouted that I was going home if they didn't let me in. They didn't let me in (I hate them) so I decided to buy some time by walking around the block a couple of times. I ended up sitting in Jenny's driveway sipping Kahlua until her mother pulled up in her car. Some strange man was driving. Everybody knows Jenny Dooner's mother has taken drastic measures to change her life since the divorce. She didn't even scold me for drinking Kahlua in her driveway.Instead she led me inside. I made my way to Jenny's bedroom where I found Patty Shoomaker, Eileen Sullivan, Judy Goldman and Jenny Dooner playing spin the bottle on the floor. They said they were practicing for the big spring dance which none of them had dates for, except for Eileen Sullivan who was taking her second cousin . I told them they weren't my best friends anymore and that I was going to sleep on the couch. At least I had my Grandmother's Kahlua to keep me company. But revenge is always sweet Journal. Before curling up for bed I managed to steal their bras and stash them in Jenny's freezer. As I lay down on the couch and sleep began to overtake me I wondered where my life would lead, how things changed so quickly . Maybe my next best friend will be that cool girl I saw at school. I wonder who she's taking to the dance, probably not her cousin. And then I fell asleep. Goodnight Journal. Bobbie Sue Dicks.

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